"Tuchlauben" received its name in 1862. The word literally means "Arcade of Cloth" and refers to the arcades under which cloth-makers sold their merchandise. German cloth-makers and tailors settled here in 1153. The well in front of Tuchlauben no. 8 is a remnant of the cloth-makers' guild at the time.

Tuchmacherbrunnen (The cloth-makers' well)
As a relict of the clothiers guild you can still find the cloth-makers' well in front of the house Tuchlauben 8.

Tuchlauben was formerly a part of the Roman settlement Vindobona (the Latin name for Vienna; literally "white river") and was separated from the Kohlmarkt (cabbage market) by the “Peiler gate” (also known as Peurertor or Baylertor).
The current "Tuchlaubenhof" used to be the site of the Seizerhof building for a long time. Between 1833 and 1864 this building hosted the "old" Elysium - a ballroom and a place of amusement with a rather dubious reputation. It was here that the famous Viennese waltz composer Josef Lanner played at the opening ball.
Tuchlaubenhof was built in 1912 by the architects Teller und Spielmann. It was praised for its vividly decorated garrets. Critics were especially fascinated by the use of ceramic tiles for the façade - a rather new concept at the time.
Tuchlaubenhof was well known for the eponymous cinema, which eventually closed in 2009. Until the early seventies Tuchlaubenhof also accommodated a cloth and drapery shop, before a financial institution (Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft - BAWAG) purchased Tuchlauben and the neighboring Hochholzerhof; it became the site of their main office.
Again, the building underwent extensive renovation, which included a glass roof. At the time Tuchlaubenhof also hosted the Bawag café, an Italian restaurant, and a wine shop (Fino´s).
Ordination Dr. Binder
Dr. Helmut Binder relocated his clinic in 1962 from Wallnerstrasse (also in the first district or center of Vienna) to Tuchlauben no. 7.
The clinic was expanded, modernized and renovated in 1982. At this early point in time the clinic was equipped with a computerized ECG, which permitted centralized analysis of ECG´s via telephone.
At this office his son Dr. Thomas Binder worked as a cardiologist from 1989 on. In 1996 his wife Dr. Gabriele Binder took over the position of her father-in-law and started to serve as a general practitioner under the public health insurance plan (Krankenkassen).
Ärzte im Zentrum - Tuchlauben 7
In 2011 Signa Holding purchased Tuchlaubenhof to transform it and the neighboring complex into the “Goldene Meile” - a shopping center which hosts designer shops. At this time the clinic was again renovated and expanded to create the "Ärzte im Zentrum" clinic. Currently, more than 13 medical specialists and therapists work in the facilities.